Motivational Behavior

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It does not have a theory that it guarantees the motivation, therefore to assume that the same stimulatons cause the same reactions in all the collaborators are to menosprezar its individualities. Each one reacts in different way the similar stimulatons, a time that the necessities and the yearnings vary of person for person in function of its personal objectives, being the meaning given to each related action the personal scale of values. To deal with these differences is a necessary requirement ace organizations. In the same way that the necessities vary between the collaborators, also they vary for one same collaborator throughout the time, what it still more becomes difficult the standardization of stimulatons, as they defend the comportamentalistas theories. The stimulaton that today motivates can have null effect tomorrow or even though to desmotivar. The search of characteristic satisfaction is on ace of the personality, making with that each one has a specific type of perception and interaction with the organizacional environment. This perception and this interaction are basic factors so that the intrinsic motivation that each one backwards I obtain not if loses.

It fits to the managers to look for to determine the Motivacional Behavior of its subordinate and from searching there to keep the necessary conditions so that they remain motivated, brightening up conflict enters the desires of these and the requirements of the company. It is very important that they like the organization, surrounding it of work, of the activity that carries through and that they have a relation of friendship with its manager, therefore this is the first reference, for the collaborators, of as they are perceived by the organization. The necessary conditions so that the intrinsic motivation is kept can be associates the theory of the two factors of Herzberg, therefore motivation involves conditions of work and comfort, model of management, relations with superiors, full use of the personal abilities and delegation of responsibility.

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