Personnel Development

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In our country, can often be as a coach to release the young psychologist who has read a couple of brochures of Western authors … The training is based on the principle of activity: people absorb 10% of what he heard (for example, during listening to lectures) and 90% – of independent work. But if the work is properly independent of management for the job coach, then to assimilate 90% of properly executed! The training has three differences in Compared with other forms of education. 1. In the training group, identifies the overall goals that are going to reach every member. Identifies the overall problem to be solved in the short term by the interaction of members group. At the same coach – not a teacher! It just helps the group to follow the path of optimal solutions of problems. Trainees perform an action, presumably (!) To address the defined objectives.

Trainees learn to perform actions in certain circumstances, reducing the negative impact of some factors and increasing (to use) the influence of other factors. During training, the participants formulated aloud achieved / achieved goals, solved / unsolved problems, the quality / effectiveness of actions performed and the impact of terms / conditions changed. Experience gained by training participants in a specially created environment, with specific 4-components (goals, objectives, actions and conditions) is usually credited to the outside world. 2. The second difference lies in the possibility of training to get support from other members. In a friendly way of training, controlled by an experienced trainer, you can learn new skills, experiment with new behaviors and get the experience of "reality check" on a select group of partners.

3. The group can not only be participant in the events, but the audience by announcing it. From watching the progress of the group interactions, you can use the results of these observations in evaluating their own actions and emotions. On the specifics of business training may be corporate or public. The first organized at the request of staff specific company. Accordingly, at the time of the leading corporate training try to take samples directly from the life of This company, simulate a situation similar to the already occurred. This undoubtedly enhances the effect of training. In addition, the company's staff, which was held corporate training, will be able to communicate in one language and will contribute to the consolidation and dissemination of new knowledge. The disadvantage of corporate training are: 1. Employees of the company (especially managers) can afford to "take time off," referring to urgent matters. 2. In the "native walls, "participants will feel less responsible, possibly due to the fact that they feel that responsibility can be" spread "between colleagues. 3. The peculiarity of the relationship between friends, between employees and leaders can provide a disservice to the productivity of training. However, an experienced trainer can neutralize this disadvantage, especially in cooperation with the head of the firm and obtaining his permission to act sometimes severely.

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