Portuguese Kingdom

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To leave the people to make independence was to play all the elitist and aristocratic structure in the way of a fogueira, or better, of a uncontrollable fire. Its privileges and even its proper survival could be evaporated. To speak in Republic, democracy would be an irresponsible and immoral act. The solution came in the continuity of the colonial mesmismo, commanded for a team located in the social universe luso-Brazilian well, proclaiming the prince regent, its real alteza D. Peter, as the agent and citizen of this action. Citizen for being it inheriting it of the Portuguese throne, son of the King of Portugal, already in return to terrinha, and, agent, for having the power politician in the hands and the guarantee of its centralization. In this way, all had agreed to the 7 of September. An act nothing isolated, and with infinite joints and manipulations politics of serious economic character for the guarantee of privileges of a minority.

Rio De Janeiro, without a doubt, was the first city if to benefit of the reforms, previous to the 7 of September, made for D. Joo VI and its body of council members in the attempt and necessity to work new an aesthetic one, a new taste, in what it would be the capital of a filiado kingdom to the Europe. Exactly that this was for a small period, since the forces politics of the metropolis, at the hands of the Cuts of Lisbon they forced the return of the sovereign and threatened the control of the monarchy with a new Constitution. In any way Brazil left of being a colony and started to be the headquarters of the Portuguese Kingdom. It is in this effective transformation politics that our tropical country receives, in closed package, an eddy of bourgeois cultural new features, as much in the sphere of the plastic arts, as in fashion, label, behavior, vocabulary, education, letters, crafts and enterprises. The innovations that accumulated of stocks aesthetic and the set of cultural actions had inhibited any possibility of reaction, or same permanncias of embryonic nuclei of some cultural movement, basically Brazilian. The proper Baroque style, already declining in the Old World, was aborted with its acquired peculiarities this way. It did not have force in the field of the arts, here underneath of the Equator, that could face the new imported taste and tax for the unfoldings of the joaninas reforms, neither against the teachings and penetration of the aesthetic one of the French Artistic Mission. In this scene, then, the Independence of Brazil Was proclaimed that if kept chained, as much in what it says respect to the diligent masses, as to the national culture.

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