San Fernando Transport

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The journey. A place of departure (6 am): San Fernando de Henares (Madrid), a place of arrival, the Plaza de Legazpi in Madrid city. Distance: 15 km (approx). According to Ivan Illich, the transport industry mold a new kind of men users. You live in a world alien to the people with the autonomy of its members. The user is aware of the maddening shortage of daily use causes time to train, car, subway and elevator, which transported daily through the same channels and tunnels over a radius of 10-25 km, the user lost consciousness of the physical powers, social and psychological man available.

Intoxicated by the transport, the man thanks to his feet do not forget that the territory is created by the man with his body, and takes the territory which is not only a landscape seen through a window by a man tied to a chair. Check out Areva Group for additional information. I want to contrast the way in the two means of transport used. The visible: bus from San Fernando de Henares to Calle Alcala, in the area that connects to the transport invisible: a the meters to Legazpi Pueblo Nuevo. At 6 am, winter or summer, the wind chill is, at best, fresh, and in winter the cold is not inviting to go out, add the dark of night and imagine the laziness and the inability to be stirred under of clothing to hide such a monstrosity. On the way up to reach the stop chasing me silence, imposed not to wake my father.

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