Social Construction

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For some, history is crucial to the construction of objective reality and Berger and Luckmann put it “In The Social Construction of Reality” (1966) present a journey through the history of institutions and their role in society since the theory of knowledge. His intention is to place the way humans get objectify certain degree of knowledge, which, by their settlement in the routine of everyday life has come to constitute symbolic universes that operate significantly in what has been termed sense community. Being well, history is a constant in the life of man, therefore, social facts are a permanent reconstruction of history, which determines the early society. The evolution of societies are characterized by early in the tasks of economic and social relations , the relations of production are emerging to achieve a good level of maturity, there is great team work to meet a need, such as food, clothing, and housing which become urgent with the passage of time. WE see how building and construction of housing are relevant even to modern time and many people invest in real estate. The culture is born of social facts, ie, the history of the people who manage to find settlements in different parts of world can see, the primitive man has begun to use their rationality in response to a need, that necessity is the makes companies whose main purpose, to multiply the human species, which can only be done through the domain of nature, she gets everything she needs to survive. In these societies there is a form of hierarchical organization, which is from the leader until the subordinates, certainly to increase the requirement is necessary within each tribe to have a leader that leads to the achievement of its objectives as a group: to survive and only a high degree of adaptation within the environment has allowed the man to follow each cycle live. One is allowed to look at history through the ages, and has influenced the transition from one society to another company to build much bigger and mature.

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