Supplementary Insurance Compared

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Subsidy for dentures acupuncture treatments, homeopathy and other natural cures are nowadays very popular. However, they are often quite expensive. Many health insurance companies do not reimburse such services their customers, therefore, an additional insurance worth sometimes. The finance portal provides insight into the results of the comparison carried out by Stiftung Warentest. Who searches for the right health insurance for treatments at the naturopaths and other services, usually faces the embarrassment of riches. Because the spectrum in this area is large and not any additional insurance is worthwhile for everyone. In advance is to evaluate which services are expected and taken regularly.

To facilitate consumers the choice, the Stiftung Warentest has compared 143 supplementary insurance. Clear test winner with the most comprehensive service package was the Swiss insurance company CSS. Many customers put special emphasis on support for homeopathic applications. In this area there are however usually Limitations of services, and no insurance cut very well with the sentence”from. Also glasses and dentures can be expensive. Especially when it comes to implants, the dental Bill can be very high. In such cases, a dental insurance is recommended. It is free but private health insurance, to reject certain patients for an additional insurance.

This is often the case with existing serious or chronic diseases. Some insurance companies require a risk premium in this case. Generally, it is advisable to truthfully fill out the necessary paperwork. Otherwise, the insurance company can reclaim payments already made. More information: presse.html GmbH Lisa Neumann

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