The Evaluation

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To carry through this work we search some concepts to base our planning, and through our research we believe that the planning must be flexible and to look for to perceive the areas of interest of the children, to have the function of norteador of the activities being prevented the improvisation and errors of a work that is not thought and planned, and still to promote the reflection on practical ours. The resume is not only the election of contents to be worked, but it involves the election of knowledge and practical concrete that take care of the child, social citizen of rights, in the deriving fullness of its formation of the convivncia in society, must offer to common base the children, but it must take care of the especificidades of the localities where it is developed, the ideal is that the school problematize with the pertaining to school community the form of work and in the school that we only made the period of training the list of worked contents is distributed being, but the aspect positive that we find is the freedom of choice of the professor for carrying through its work. We look for to understand the conception of daily register of the activities and this practical is one possibility to know the children better and to reevaluate the planning, since when writing on the day we can perceive what he was positive and what it must be I coat. How much to the evaluation what we find in the school, they are evaluations of what the children had learned or not, and the test that we witness to be applied we perceive that she caused panic in the children, being that we believe that this evaluation does not have to be stanches, it we must happen in the day the day and perceive the real advances and efforts that the child comes making in the appropriation of the knowledge.

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