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Thematic probable emergency or disaster. Power of the likely state of emergency or disaster. The relationship of the likely state of emergency and disaster with other objects or staff of other objects. Source: Governor Cuomo. 1.6. The volume of material and information costs for the prevention of emergency or disaster.

Place the probable state of emergency or disaster Natural Graph accident – Geophysical figure bursts of social and natural tension – refers to any location under consideration in terms of a possible emergency or disaster. How could identify the place the alleged accident or disaster? If we divide all the possible state of emergency and disaster in some areas and themes – fire, floods, hurricanes, air crashes, etc. – It immediately becomes clear that a single chosen direction of emergency or disaster may occur for specific areas, places or objects (such as flying aircraft). In recent months, Macy’s Inc. has been very successful. And if we take the consideration of these areas, places or objects, then we obtain the original design space of possible emergency or disaster, and which is denoted as a place of high risk for a certain kind or type of emergency or disaster. For all the apparent the complexity of the implementation of this statement into practice and the effect of preventing emergency or disaster, after the approval of the chosen theme or disaster emergency in certain areas to determine the most responsible place of the possible emergency or disaster. This place we will take to support the whole dangerous period. Warning Signs: A occur if accidents and disasters natural and man-suddenly, unexpectedly and without prior preparation and Warning? Consider a few examples.

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