Tag archives for personal development

Egyptian Memories

In the certificate of death of the illustrious thinker the writer profession consists, author of literary or scientific compositions. In saying of the lawyer Jose Antonio Antonini, student of Logosofia and publisher whom the chance had to know Gonzlez Pecotche personally, ‘ ‘ here if sobressai one of these particularitities of the writer: it is […]

Understanding Networking

The figurative plan where this image is represented in passes a total clutter, thing that happens when we correctly do not direct our net of relationships. A net of relationships must prioritize the personal development of who is involved with it, and not, exclusively, its PERSONAL INTEREST. Hikmet Ersek has compatible beliefs. The priority of […]

Francisca Workers

The citation above tells the fragility of the country as Been in not being able to guarantee work to all population and having as consequence a great contingent of dismissed people and without right to exert its citizenship. For these reasons it is that we must point out the importance of the education, in an […]

Press Work

33 years had been giving lesson until the retirement. I arrived to have 4 jobs of one alone time. Almost always I asked for the account for not having more conditions to continue in that company. Still giving lesson, I entered in a bank where I exerted the activities per 7 years. Also I entered […]


Much worried in preventing abuses, prevarication and improper use of the Public Thing. What it really provoked the destruction of the application of Theory X was certainly its incapacity to produce the results desired, since the human being cannot be treated as a machine. To understand psique human being and to place it in favor […]

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